If this is an emergency or a crime has taken place, call the Police 000 prior to reporting a complaint

At Garie Surf Life Saving Club we are stongly focused on the welbeing and welfare of our members.

As a affiliated member of Surf Life Saving NSW we have tools and supports in place to achieve our focus to be able to continue to deliver our services whilst maintaining safe environment for our members.

SLSA Policy 6.06 Complaints Policy
Alleged breaches of the SLSA Policies are reviewed by the complaints manager utilising a system set out by the policy.
The system establishes a transparent, objective and consistent basis for evaluating allegations of Breach of policy and determining the appropriate Assessment process under the Complaints Resolution Policy.

SLSA Policy 6.06 Complaints Resolution Policy csn be found via the below link:

Submiting a complaint
In the first instance it is recommended that the complaint be raised with Garie SLSC’s internal complaints manager
this can be completed by the following form: Submit a complaint

Escalation of a complaint
If you are feel after raising a complaint with Garie SLSC’s internal complaints manger that your complaint has not been resolved you can raise a complaint using Surf Life Saving Australia’s complaint system: https://complaints.sls.com.au/