The 78th Annual General Meeting of Garie Surf Life Saving Club Incorporated will be held at the Garie Surf Life Saving Club on Saturday 29th August 2020 at 2:00pm 

The order of business will be as follows;


1. President’s welcome.

2. Attendance.

3. Reading and confirmation of the Minutes of the 77th Annual General Meeting held 8th August 2019.

4. Presentation and adoption of the 78th Annual Report and Balance Sheet.

5. Election of Officers for the Season 2020 2021.


6. Affiliation
a. Garie Surf Life Saving Incorporated to Affiliate with Surf Life Saving Australia Limited
b. Garie Surf Life Saving Incorporated to Affiliate with Surf Life Saving New South Wales Limited
c. Garie Surf Life Saving Incorporated to Affiliate with Surf Life Saving Sydney Branch Incorporated

7. Urgent General Business.

8. Refreshments.


COVID-19 Information
As of the 29/7/2020 it is the Boards intention that the AGM Be held at Garie Surf Life Saving Club on Saturday the 29th of August 2020.

in the event that our COVID-19 Safety Officer determines that the AGM cannot be safely held on premises. the AGM will be held via Live Stream.

We strongly urge you to login to the members portal and ensure that your email address is up to date and that you keep an eye on this page and also on our facebook page for further advice.


As always only Financial Members will be admitted to the AGM whether that be on at Garie, or Online. we have made adjustments to the Membership Pricing for this year to assist members whom may have been impacted by Covid-19 click here to renew online now


Quick Links

Garie Surf Life Saving Club Facebook Page
Membership Pricing 2020/21
SLSA Members Portal
Appointment of Proxy PDF
Nomination Form 


Kind Regards


Patricia Dillon
Director of Administration


If you have any questions or require further assistance please contact